[TYPO3-core] RFC #14342: t3lib_compressor also rewrites data URIs

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Thu May 20 16:43:38 CEST 2010

Am 20.05.2010 16:31, schrieb JoH asenau:
>>> Problem:
>>> According to RFC 2616 [1] images/files can be embedded using the
>>> data: URI
>>> scheme.
>>> In CSS this can be used this way:
>>>> background-image:
>>>> url("_BASE64_ENCODED")
>>> t3lib_compressor also rewrites this URIs and considers them as a
>>> filename while merging CSS.
> -1 due to the reasons explained in RFC #14442
well since this funcitonality is not only used by core, it HAS to be 
fixed since data urls are part of CSS which must be handled correctly. 
If an extension author tends to use it it is his own opportunity.
You may intervene usage in core, but core has to handle it correctly in 

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