[TYPO3-core] RFC #14356: feature: Make disable_controls available for all group fields, not just type "file"

S. Teuber teuber at stibes.de
Fri May 14 17:54:34 CEST 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: feature

Bugtracker references:

trunk & TYPO3_4-3

The useful option "disable_controls" for TCE "group" fields currently
only works for the subtype "file", not for the other subtypes ("folder"
and "db").

Apply the check for the disable_controls-option to the other subtypes.
Pass the according params to the TCEfield generator.

At a first glance it may look senseless to omit the controls for
the other subtypes. However, in some cases it's a useful feat to
omit the "browse items" icon, in particular if the browseable items
are best accessed via a search interface, not a list with a page browser
like in the "standard" item browser.

In the particular instance that led to the discovery of this
missing feature, there is a field having two custom wizards - one
"popup window" element browser using a custom interface to access
items in an external database that is connected via DBAL, and one
AJAX wizard that implements the "suggest"-feature for flexform fields.
The standard "browse" icon is not needed here, since the standard
item browser uses a list mode to display / search the titles of
the external items that does not suit the selection process.

Those items are accessed by searching for one of 5 properties
(title, author, year, tutor, keywords). The unfiltered list has
2.000 items. Therefore the custom wizard, which implements a
search form that searches those 5 fields and displays only a
matching subset of the 2k items, was built. The standard browser
wasn't needed, and it was confusing for the editors, so it was
omitted using display_controls and the applied patch.


Sven Teuber
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