[TYPO3-core] RFC #14846: Bug: Included ExtJS is an old version

Andreas Lappe nd at off-pist.de
Fri Jun 25 10:48:43 CEST 2010

On 24.06.10, Oliver Klee wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 24.06.2010 15:34, schrieb Andreas Lappe:
> > I can't find a ticket for this mentioned resize-error in core or
> > rtehtmlarea.. do you have an id handy?
> issue 14063 (as mentioned above in my other message)

This is the bug about updating extjs, not the one about resize-errors
Steffen mentioned earlier in this thread, isn't it? I'd like to review
the JS-error with 3.2.1 but I'd need a description on how to reproduce

Or am I just missing it on the page?

So long

,,Und eines Tages erinnert sich der Mensch an so viel, daß er den
größten Bagger aller Zeiten herstellt und das größte Grab aller
Zeiten aushebt und den Krieg hineinbefördert und das Ganze
zuschüttet.´´		-Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

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