[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13318: Feature Checkbox to hide system extensions

Sebastian Gebhard sebastian.gebhard at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 08:55:09 CET 2010

Two concerns:

1. There are already two "enable" functions for extensions, which say "Show" and "Display". Your 
patch turns it around and says "Hide". It would be better to stay consistent.

2. I agree that most of the system extensions are quite uninteresting most of the time 
(tsconfig_help, context_help, impexp, cms, aboutmodules, etc) but there are also system extensions 
which imho are more interesting (t3editor, recycler, indexed_search, fluid, etc). To distinguish 
between interesting and uninteresting extensions the flag shy was introduced. When I disable shy 
extensions the EM is not anymore flooded, because most of the system extensions disappear.
My proposal is to flag tsconfig_help, version, css_styled_content and t3skin as shy and do not 
introduce an additional filter.

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