[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix #12688: MM relations: rollback not working / sys_history wrong

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Thu Jan 14 16:26:41 CET 2010

Hey Steffen,

Am 14.01.2010 15:57 schrieb Steffen Gebert:
> It's also weird that my Apache throws lots of segmentation faults :( Was
> so happy to have macports' Apache running.. no fun this way.

Hehe. Would be too boring if such things just worked out of the box, eh? ;)

> One thing is annoying: Reordering of related records isn't shown in
> History - it's just shown that they are changed.
> But it's saved correctly, so only a matter of displaying.

Restoring the correct sorting/reordering by rollback or storing the
sorting information into sys_history can't work reliably, I'm afraid.
Such information is normally stored to the MM-records themselves, which
are really deleted from database on deletion of a relation. So this
information cannot be pushed into sys_history without a more dramatic
change to sys_history or the handling of MM relations (give them a
deleted flag and/or TCA...) - or using IRRE if that's a requirement.

A first idea could be to try to keep track of sorting in sys_history by
implicitly keeping in sync sorting information with the order of the
comma separated uids of the related records. Which of course would never
work for bidirectional relations and would make things a lot more
complicated and error-prone and therefore seems not like the right
approach to me.

So I'd prefer to not make history of sorting MMs a task of this bugfix,
since I regard this rather as an additional feature.
But am open for ideas.


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