[TYPO3-core] RFC #13519: Feature: Add a new icon set to t3skin

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sat Feb 20 15:43:02 CET 2010

Am 19.02.2010, 22:25 Uhr, schrieb Benjamin Mack <benni at typo3.org>:

>   * How do I need to apply them to the core?
Just extract the tar.gz [1] to your typo3_src directory. It countains the  
substructure typo3/sysext/t3skin/images/icons/

>   * Are they using the new naming scheme or fit in the old style naming?
New one, of course.

What I didn't mention here, yet, is the fact that André Wartmann  
(designer) is willing to produce more new icons, if we need any. We just  
have to ask him (andre AT rheinschafe DOT de).

[1] http://bugs.typo3.org/file_download.php?file_id=10186&type=bug

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