[TYPO3-core] RFC #13940 Preventing SQL injections in CONTENT object

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Tue Apr 13 22:08:12 CEST 2010

Version 4 attached.

After discussing things with Susanne tonight the following functionality 
is included:

CONTENT.select has a new property 'markers'. This is an array of marker 
names. Each marker name has a property 'value' to set a value directly 
and supports all stdWrap properties. To interpret the data as a comma 
separated list an extra property 'commaSeparatedList' is added; when set 
the value is quoted as a comma separated list.


10 {
	table = tt_news
	select {
		selectFields = *
		pidInList = 4
		where = title > ###name### AND uid IN (###list###)
		markers {
			name.data = GP:first
			name.wrap = a|a
			list.value = 1,2
			list.commaSeparatedList = 1

Documentation for TSref:

markers : array of marker names; each name supports:

   type: value
   description: The value of the marker

   type: bool
   description: If set the value is parsed as a comma separated list

(stdWrap properties)

Thanks to Martin, Steffen, Susanne and others for their feedback and 

Jigal van Hemert
msn: jigal at xs4all.nl
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