[TYPO3-core] RFC #11208: IDN Domain names handelt incorrectly in parts of the backend

Johannes Feustel j at feustel.eu
Tue Jun 30 00:56:41 CEST 2009

Hi Benni,
thx for testing.

Benjamin Mack schrieb:
> could not reproduce this issue. I set up a subdomain täst.mydomain.com.
> With FF3, it is automatically redirected to xn--tst..., with Safari I 
> could access the domain properly, however everything worked as expected.

This is because you didn't use a TDL listet on mozillas whitelist for 
displaying IDN [1]. If using .com or .local FF uses the punycode domain 
and no decoding problem occures.
BTW: this was the problem I had with /etc/hosts. Using a proper TDL from 
the whitelist local testing works fine.

Safari has no problem decoding the IDN for some reason.
Opera also displays all IDN but breaks decoding.

Patch v2 fixes a typo (this file is a js php shorthand if single double 
qoute jungle).


[1] http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/tld-idn-policy-list.html
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