[TYPO3-core] RFC #11608: t3lib_beFunc::viewOnClick - Exctract logic to find the right frontend domain

Oliver Klee typo3-german-02 at oliverklee.de
Fri Jul 31 19:56:00 CEST 2009

Hi again,

I've cleaned up the patch in the parts where I could (without digging
deeper into the code). Please have a look at whether it's correct.

Questions to Michael:

- What exact format does the root line parameter need to have? What
information is needed to know to call this function correctly?

- Will the return string always/sometimes/never have a trailing slash?

- Shouldn't we use type hinting for the array parameter? Why does the
array parameter have "null" default value, and why is the default value
of the calling function for that parameter an empty string?


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