[TYPO3-core] RFC #9402: Create a common_locallang-file

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Oct 16 12:47:52 CEST 2008

Hi Christopher,

> Since no one intervened in the last week, here is the patch with short 
> labels.

I just have a few comments on some of these labels:

- "about%1" is used to create a sentence instead of just one word, so
  please leave it out

- "goTo": how about keeping the label (and the value, see below)

- "saveAnd*:" have a look and think about consistency: Either the values
  are all upper case or all are not. I propose to use the form like in
  "saveAndCloseDoc". (Applies to other values too, see "goTo" above.)

Regards, michael
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