[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature Request #5610: Extend TCEFORM_confObj on Page TSconfig by property filterItems

Helmut Hummel typo3 at jhpc.de
Wed Jan 16 11:21:42 CET 2008

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> This property doesn't a direct assingment of values like "x=123" does. 
> So, it's not a "setItems" functionality.
> Example:
> -> start with these items: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
> -> filterItems is set to:  10,     30,     50, 60, 70
> -> result would be then:   10,     30,     50

Yes, OK. For sure form the programmers view the list cannot be assigned 
driectly, as it would break accessrights.

But from the users/administrators view the following case is quite logic:

Assuming we have 2 users with the right to access the following items:

user1: 1,3,5,7
user2: 2,4,6,8

Using the TS-Config like this (I use your term "setItems")):
setItems = 1,2,3,4

will result in the following item list for the users:
user1: 1,3
user2: 2,4

The descritpion would be something like this:
"This sets the list of items to the given comma seperated list of values, 
nevertheless respecting the user/group access rights for the items."
<my example comes here>

To me this mus more speaking than "Reduce/filter a given set of elements to fit 
the condition defined here."

But hey, this is my opinion, only.

(Possibly I missed something...)

How about my suggestion always adding '--div--'?

lib.salutation = TEXT
lib.salutation.value = Kind regards, Helmut
lib.salutation.lang.de = Viele Grüße, Helmut

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