[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #7096: Consistent interface for AJAX calls in the TYPO3 Backend

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Tue Jan 8 16:44:09 CET 2008

Hey Ingo,

Ingo Renner wrote:
> * rename TYPO3AJAX->output() to ...->render()
will fix in final commit.

> * either make TYPO3_AJAX a variable or remove the part in init.php where 
> you define it as false
> -- reason: constants are "constant" and don't change/have different 
> values, you still check for a "true" TYPO3AJAX constant, if you want it 
> to be true or false, use a (global) variable
Well, I have to say "no" to that one. Reasons:

a) Similar thing used in init.php already to define the request in CLI 
mode, and I think we could see the AJAX mode similar to the CLI mode (a 
"special" request).

from init.php: "if (defined('TYPO3_cliMode') && TYPO3_cliMode)"

Right now, this checks if the constant is defined and if defined, if it 
is set. Well, it is probably always set if defined. So, I take it a bit 
further and define it with every request, so I only have to check if it 
is set.

b) it's not a variable. It should be (and is right now) constant for one 
whole request, it just get's defined either in ajax.php or in init.php. 
So, the reason why I define it in init.php() is that is defined all the 
time at some point.

c) I don't want people to override this setting if it would be a global 
variable, it should be fixed.

d) I could still be swung over to name the constant "TYPO3_ajaxMode" to 
make it similar to the TYPO3_cliMode.

and: still no +1 ?


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