[TYPO3-core] RFC #7158: Bug: Some parts of Indexed Search Engine Backend module don't work

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sat Feb 2 00:24:13 CET 2008

Moreno Feltscher schrieb:
> Hunk 1: Yes it is. I don't know how MySQL handles ORDER BY clauses but
> with Oracle all statements in the SELECT clause have to be in ORDER BY
> (so with count(*) all statements).

You mean GROUP BY. Anyway you're right adding the column will make the 
statement work. Though I wonder if we really need to group on all thos 

> Hunk 2: That's quite ugly.. item_type is VARCHAR, so some databases
> interpret this as an error (because 0 is an integer). item_type>'0'
> wouldn't work (even with MySQL), I think you agree with me.

The indexer should decide whether it's an integer or not. If not, there 
can be no >0 check. If it could be an integer that we would need some 
casting, which is probably not DBAL safe,


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