[TYPO3-core] RFC #8159: Infinite loop when trying to install extension with constraints and configuration

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Apr 22 17:58:36 CEST 2008

Hey guys,

This is a SVN patch request.

Branches: 4.2 only

Type: Bugfix

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=8159

When trying to install an extension with constraints (mininum TYPO3 
version, suggested extensions, etc) and configuration options, the user 
interface gets into an infinite loop because hidden form fields are 
outside the form tag and ignored when the form is submitted.

Rearrange the extension configuration form and the hidden input fields 
so that the form elements are properly nested.

The call to updatesForm() is what actually generates the form tag, so we 
need to move it to run a couple lines later, after all the form elements 
are available.

Oliver describes some testing steps on the bugtracker. You'll want to 
make sure you grab seminars from [1] so that the suggested extensions 
are included.

Steffen, Christoph, and I have done a lot of broad testing throughout 
the EM by importing, installing, and uninstalling extensions and from 
what we've seen everything has worked properly.


[1] http://typo3xdev.sourceforge.net/
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