[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix #4186 GIFBUILDER cropsized images have bad quality

Helmut Hummel typo3 at jhpc.de
Fri Apr 11 19:45:24 CEST 2008

it's me again,

Helmut Hummel wrote:
> I don't know how the canvas support of im is used by the TYPO3 
> gifbuilder, but I have the feeling, that it is not used at all. If my 
> feelings are right, omitting the exclamation mark would do no harm, but 
> perhaps someone else has the knowledge to prove this.

I thought about it:
Since the cropscale feature is in TYPO3 implemented as image resource (and the 
result of this is always a finished image) and the crop geometry settings in the 
T3 cropscaling is never bigger than the original image size, I come to the 
conclusion, that omitting the exclamation mark is safe.

Does this sound reasonable?

lib.salutation = TEXT
lib.salutation.value = Kind regards, Helmut
lib.salutation.lang.de = Viele Grüße, Helmut

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