[TYPO3-core] RFC: no table icons shown when endtime is used

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Mon Sep 10 17:51:52 CEST 2007

This is a SVN patch request. 

Type: Bugfix 

If the endtime field is set and in the future, then there will only be the 
question mark icon shown in the page and list module. 

Note:  This is a compatibility break from previous versions of TYPO3. It is 
correct that the endtime for a record is in the future. However the 
'gfx/i/no_icon_found.gif' gets shown and not the table's symbol provided by 
the extension. 

Branches: Trunk, 4.1 

Show the table's icon instead of the question mark icon. 

 - Franz
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