[TYPO3-core] RFC: #6703 $TCA[table]['ctrl']['hideTable'] not implemented

Malte Jansen mail at maltejansen.de
Wed Nov 14 16:13:39 CET 2007


Ingmar Schlecht schrieb:
> OK, then we have two more request for an improved patch here:
>   - Hidden tables must also be hidden from the new record selector

what about this syntax:

mod.web_list.table.[tablename].hideTable = 0/1

The table is added because if you have 
mod.web_list.[tablename].hideTable there could be some table conflicting 
with a key...

Another possiblity (in future) would be, adding some other config fields 
like label etc. but not for now or something like (than there would be 
no need for the other patch):
mod.web_list.table.[tablename].label.default = Something in English
mod.web_list.table.[tablename].label.de = Something in German
mod.web_list.table.[tablename].hideNewLink = 0/1 (will be ignored when 
hideTable is set)
mod.web_list.table.[tablename].hideList = 0/1 (will be ignored when 
hideTable is set)
but not for now...

>   - It must be possible to overrule the hidden-setting by TSConfig

Should be done easily...

I will prepare it.
So only the syntax should be clear before I will finish it...



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