[TYPO3-core] RFC: 0006652: Enable the option to hide the checkboxes "extended view", "clipboard", "localization"

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Mon Nov 5 10:41:39 CET 2007


Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
> -1. They are very handy when you want to quickly get extended or
> localization view and then switch back to normal.
-1 on your -1 :)

I (and almost everybody arounded me who uses TYPO3) usually hit the 
"extended view" button once and that's it. Then I'm in that mode for the 
whole installation.

Same goes with the "Show 2nd option palette for all", this is something 
that is clearly a user configuration, but makes the impression that it's 
page related. Also, the "user preferences" includes all the "old" 
options and never got developed any further since 3.5 or 3.7 and new 
options are never added there. We got tons of multiple options there 
"Enable Rich Text Editor" but then we have the same option at the bottom 
of the editing page ("Disable Rich Text Editor"), I don't see any 
consistency there. If people know that there is ONE place to configure 
their whole environment, they will always come back to that place and 
change their settings (done with 3 clicks).
We have stuff in there like "Wide document background" -- this is just 
nonsense nowadays
It's time to move on and either completely get rid of the User settings 
screen (ok, keep the name and the email, although I don't think this 
data will change that often ;-)) or we make it good and consolidate as 
much as we can of the BE interface there.


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