[TYPO3-core] RFC: fixing bugs 1642 and 4886: menu does not reload when installing an extension with a new BE module

Ingo Renner typo3 at ingo-renner.com
Thu May 3 11:13:13 CEST 2007

Am 03.05.2007 um 10:33 schrieb Thomas Hempel:

>> Solution:
>> Reload the menu frame.
> I tested the patch and it works partly. With menu in left frame it  
> works as expected but it does not
> if I have icons or selectbox in top frame.
> So -1 until it works for all backend layouts.

this one should work now. It seems that during testing I focused too  
much on getting/keeping other things working and didn't check the  
actual objective ;-)

This patch version also consolidates the refreshMenu JS function into  
alt_main.php so that we don't have redundant code. It's then also  
used when switching languages (my last patch).

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