[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5913: RTEhtmlarea not correctly displayed in IRRE child form-fields and tabs (Part 2)

Wolfgang Klinger wolfgang at stufenlos.net
Mon Jul 9 09:10:09 CEST 2007

*hiya!* ( a little bit off-topic)

On Jul 9, 2007, at 8:50 AM, Oliver Hader wrote:
> I forgot to mention that I've added a test extension to the bugtracker
> with Tabs and IRRE levels: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5913
> Furthermore this issue is related to IRRE. So, if nobody objects I'm
> going to commit this to SVN.

I'm not very much into this IRRE stuff yet, but I installed
the mentioned extension and created a "parent" and some "children"
(nested into each other).

   +-- child
         +-- child

After saving, all the "children" where lost in the "parent" edit view
(though they exist in the backend as records) and whenever I
try to open the "parent" record TYPO3 produces a PHP timeout
(max execution time).

I used the latest TYPO3 source (trunk), maybe I need something else?


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