[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug: IRRE - Related child records are not updated when copying to a different page

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Fri Feb 16 11:01:19 CET 2007

Hi Ingo,

Ingo Renner wrote:
>> Problem:
>> A structure of 1:n dependend records (parent->child->grandchild) shall
>> be copied and pasted on a different page than the original one. The
>> parent record will be inserted correctly on the destination page. The
>> child records unfortunatelly not - they are duplicated on the original
>> page.
> Is it wanted at all to have the child records copied with the parent
> record?
> If I compare it with categories in news I can copy a category to a
> different page without having to copy the child categories to the same
> page and still having the relation intact...
> Just wondering...

At least in the first version of IRRE, it supports only 1:n relations
where the child records are fully dependant on their parents.

That means child records follow their parents wherever they go: They're
always deleted/moved/copied when the parent is deleted/moved/copied.

This makes it very useful for most of the cases but might not be the
best solutions for others, we might discuss for 4.2 if it makes sense to
extend IRRE in a ways so that behavior is configurable.

Even if it's not forced through yet, it is suggested to not display IRRE
Child records in the list module at all.

Extensions shipping with IRRE tables would need to provide some default
TSConfig that hides the child tables in the list module:
mod.web_list.hideTables := addToList(tx_myext_myirrechildtable)


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