[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #4655: FeUsers in table sys_lockedrecords

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Thu Dec 20 09:21:39 CET 2007


Stefan Geith wrote:
> Problem:
> Manage locked records also for Fe-User Editing

I am following recent patch in the "Reminder" thread [1]. The question is: how do I test this quickly&easily? I am not willing to generate extension and write code just for tests. Is it possible to get test/real extension with instructions for testing?

[1] http://support.typo3.org/index.php?id=12&tx_nntpreader_pi1[nid]=61&tx_nntpreader_pi1[mid]=224600&cHash=d433ace2d0

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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