[TYPO3-core] RFC: allow .htaccess while uploading extensions

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Tue Aug 28 14:30:51 CEST 2007

Benjamin Mack wrote:
> I'd like a solution better where the .htaccess file gets renamed to 
> _.htaccess to keep it consistent with TYPO3 core installation. Extension 
> writers should rename it to _.htaccess anyway and if they don't, your 
> proposed patch would then rename it. Otherwise it is used right from 
> that extension directory. Most of the time they want the user to paste 
> it in the main htaccess file anyway.
> What do you think?

Well, we do not have standard for it as such. We keep _.htaccess because 
all .htaccess in typo3 require several Apache modules and putting 
.htaccess to typo3 instead of _.htaccess may break some installation. 
But not many people rename these files. Previously we introduced some of 
them to make huge performance increase in BE but not many sites know 
about it or use it...

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 freelancer / TYPO3 core team member
Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
Skype: callto:liels_bugs

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