[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5266 RTEhtmlarea is not loading in new Firefox

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Tue Apr 3 11:27:56 CEST 2007


On 30.03.2007, at 19:26, Oliver Hader wrote:
> there should be a separate announcement for the RTEhtmlarea bugfix on
> www.typo3.org (and/or news.typo3.org) describing which RTEhtmlarea
> version is compatible for which TYPO3 version.


> Some of the new issues at the bugtracker show that this is mixed very
> often, e.g. TYPO3 4.1 with RTEhtmlarea 1.4.4 from TER. We know that  
> this
> does not work, but our users don't. Thus, we have to inform them.

Why not use the EM to refuse instalation? In this case it works, as  
4.1 has an EM which understand the new format in ext_emconf.php:

'depends' => array(
	'cms' => '',
	'php' => '4.1.0-',
	'typo3' => '4.0.0-4.0.99',

Karsten Dambekalns
Gimme Five!

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