[TYPO3-core] Kickoff: TYPO3 4.1 (suggestions)

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2006 at typo3.com
Mon Sep 11 19:40:13 CEST 2006

> Web>Templavoila and edit DS. And so on. So idea of Windows "Quich
> launch" bar immediately comes into my mind: there I can put icons for
> applications that I use most often.

Quick Launch bar : Yes.

> http://www.lartob.de/x-desktop.org/releases/r1/index.html
> This is a full demo, so takes long time to load. This is like a  
> virtual
> desktop. Typo3 BE may consist from applications (BE modules) that  
> run in
> virtual Windows. Thus admin could edit template, DS and see page  
> preview
>   in tiled windows.
> Do I dream too much? But this is the feature. Popup menus were made  
> when
> screens were small, they are old for today.

Good approach for 5.0. My suggestion is a nice compromise with a low  
footprint on change management.

>> Open positions:
>> - AJAX guru: Someone who can assist on the AJAX strategy
>> - DHTML guru: Someone who can implement the HTML for the menu and the
>> Dashboard
>> - Usability testing: When the features exist in a prototype we  
>> must test
>> them on real people! Someone who wants to work on that?
> We need seriously dig into performance. Currently it is inadequate,
> especially in the backend. It is too slow, even on optimized dedicated
> server. Other frameworks run faster and people complain about typo3
> performance. I am taking steps in that direction but I cannot say I
> progressed to far.

Where is the bottleneck in the backend?

> Performance is bleeding already I think. We cannot close eyes to it  
> for
> longer or others may beat us.

If there are easy things to improve I agree with you (like database  
indexes to add). Other than that I believe we are slow because we do  
more - which is our strength. So I think you have to define the  
playing field before you talk about beating or not. We never tried to  
win the performance game. I don't see my largest clients having any  
trouble for instance, they still prefer TYPO3.

Anyway, let me know what you think we can do about it.

(BTW, I think TYPO3 5.0 could be significantly slower with objects,  
but of course it remains to be seen...)

- kasper

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