[TYPO3-core] Prioritizing open bugs

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Fri Mar 31 02:33:08 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I have walked through the list of open bugs of product versions "4.0rc1" and 
"4.0rc2". Everything which seems important to me has got a higher priority 

To find them, please follow these steps:

- Open the main view and first, reset all filters
- Change the "hide status" to "resolved and above"
- Set the "product version" to 4.0rc1 AND also 4.0rc2
- Sort by priority.

Everything which is at least marked "high" should checked at least. It does 
not neccessarily need to be resolved, but we need to have a look at it.

Don't forget that this is the last run before 4.0 is finished, so please help 
to have at least a look at the problems to help finding out if there is 
anything left to do...

Regards, michael
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