[TYPO3-core] RFC: More stylesheet fixes

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu Mar 23 16:05:08 CET 2006

Hello Michael,

>Hi Franz,
>>No 'no cookie' message is shown at the login screen.
You have asked to verify

>>> - While playing with this, I noticed that the cookie-warning [1] is never
>>> displayed anymore. It seems like it does not work since 3.8.0 - can
>>> anyone please confirm this?
>>> - michael
>>> [1] "Yeah, that's a classic. No cookies, no TYPO3.<br /><br />Please
>>> [accept
>>> cookies from TYPO3 - otherwise you'll not be able to use the system."
So when I turn off cookies on the login screen, I do not get any error
The logged in backend user gets a timeout when cookies are disabled.
Nothing can be put into the basket. However no error message.

>>Is the different style with 'Admin functions' intended or the patch not
>>working here?
>This has nothing to do with this patch. Are you using the latest CVS version? 
>Maybe the cache is not refreshed?
Yes, I have updated to the latest CVS version. Firefox 1.5
After clear of caches and reload I have still this image in the backend.

- Franz

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