[TYPO3-core] RFC: stylesheet.css cleanup + small usability change

Michael Scharkow michael at underused.org
Fri Mar 10 13:40:45 CET 2006

Dmitry Dulepov wrote:

> Btw, on my home PC (Linux, SuSE 10, FireFox 1.5) select boxes do not
> open from the first click: I have to click on select, than on page than
> on select again to open it. Is this known bug? Also FireFox report huge
> amount of CSS errors for new skin.

I can confirm the annoying click behaviour and it bothers me a lot.
The skin still seems quite incomplete and buggy to me, and I cannot 
judge how actively it is developed because it is still not in CVS.

If the bugs can't be fixed soon, should we really ship the skin?


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