[TYPO3-core] Resolving vs. Closing bugs

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Wed Jun 7 11:27:59 CEST 2006

Martin Kutschker a écrit :

>Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
>>Martin Kutschker wrote:
>>>Apropos, I have an idea for another bug hunting party:
>>Than we should improve our approval system. For example, I could not get 
>>another +1 for one of my fixes and it took a lot of time time to get +1s 
>>for another, even though both were tested and confirmed by several 
>>non-core people. How do I (as developer) know that fixes will not end up 
>>in waiting for approval forever? :-/
>The situation currently is certainly not satisfactory. But as long as we 
>don't hire paid workers we can only ask our fellows for reviews. As very 
>few of them get paid for work on the Code we cannot expect constant 
>devotion of spare time.
>But how many non-Core +1 shall count for one Core +1?
It would be already a big help if a core developer wouldn't have to test
it at all. Or there should be a ready testing environment available
where the patch is already inside the code.



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