[TYPO3-core] RFC: make TYPO3 run on PHP 5.2 (fix bug #4678)

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Fri Dec 22 10:27:25 CET 2006


This is a SVN patch request for trunk and TYPO3_4-0


In 5.2.0 calling strcspn with an emptry string crashes PHP.


It's a PHP bug which may be avoided in a prominent place: 
t3lib_div::array2xml(). The bug makes TYPO3 practically useless as many 
parts rely on xml/array parsing.

The bug should be fixed ASAP in TYPO3_4-0. When 4.1 is out it may be fixed 
in PHP 5.2.1, but eg on my SuSe the updater surprised me with 5.2.0 and 
it's easier to upgrade TYPO3 than to downgrade PHP without messing with 
package dependencies etc.

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