[TYPO3-core] Fixing no-brainers?

Dmitry Dulepov dima at spamcop.net
Mon Apr 10 10:20:40 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1


Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Do we fix stuff like bug #2938 in TYPO3 4.0.1 or has this again wait
> for 4.1?

Why not, if you have time (a couple of extra seconds)? Unless this bug
requires major changes in the system, why not? Major changes usually do
not go to the maintenance releases but such minors are...

> Let's start with fixing a couple of urgent stuff in 4.0.1 and
> possibly 4.0.2. Better have a 4.0.1 in one week and 4.0.2 after that
> in three weeks than only one 4.0.1 in two months.

People will kill us :) They just started to upgrade to 4.0 and we will
give them 4.0.1 and then 4.0.2 in a short time. they even will not have
a chance to drink beer between upgrades :)

> Parallel to 4.1 we could work on the BE UI overhaul that's the goal
> for 4.5.

I still hope to work a lot on performance. Even on my new powerful
server typo3 performance is very poor when compared to typical php
scripts with a number of database queries. I strongly want to work on
performance next.

> PS: I'm not happy that older vesions of TYPO3 are not supported.
> Michael Stucki's remark that there is no need for a 3.8.2 made me
> think if not somebody wants to take over the burden of maintaining
> the old stuff. This is happening with Linux and Apache, so why not
> with TYPO3?

Do we have a thing called "resources" (meaning humans) for it?

- --
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.)
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