[TYPO3-core] Document hooks? (was: New hooks in TCEmain -> moveRecord)

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Nov 16 11:35:40 CET 2005

Hi Robert,

> Hmm, without looking at the extension I'm still undecided if it makes sense
> to document hooks at all.
> My cons against documenting hooks:
>    - If you know where you want to hook in you easily find the hook
>    - You can search the core for "hook" and find all hooks
>    - If you just use a hook you find in the documentation you might break
>      something because you haven't studied the exact implications of the
>      surrounding code (fx. in TCEmain there are some dangerous places)

OK. Depending that every extension developer will need to register his 
extension - even if it is already registered, here are my pros then:

- We know who depends on a hook if we once want to modify it
- Developers could see that a hook is available exactly where they need it!
- The hook will be well documented
- Developers have a chance to find practical examples of how hook xy is used

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