[TYPO3-core] RFC: Respect target if specified in file header

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Dec 1 21:20:48 CET 2005

Hello Franz,

> I think this is a useful feature. Of course it would be better if all
> files were converted automatically, however on big sites this is not
> easily managable.

Correct. One of the reasons why I wrote this function was that some of our
users work with editors that use ISO-8859-1 by default or even cannot deal
with UTF-8. So as long as the character set is specified in the file
header, this should become a clean solution.

>>boolean               If true, the charset auto-conversion will be skipped
> Reverse this into positive logic which is more understandable.  ==>
> conversion will be done

Changed that.

> These are more than two lines.


>>$internalCharset='iso-8859-1';        // Default charset of BE and FE
> This should not be hardcoded here. Use a global variable.

This value is also the default for BE and FE (see class.tslib_fe.php and
lang.php). Usually it should not be needed, it's just a fallback for a case
that should never happen. So no change here.

>>- I am undecided whether PHP files should be converted, too (e.g. when
>>editing them in the Extension Manager). Any suggestions?
> Yes, otherwise it would not be usable. But before writing them down they
> need to be converted back again.

Of course, this is how the function works.

Theoretically it already works if a PHP file would have

  @charset "UTF-8"

in its header. Any comments on this?

>>- I did not find any examples but fear that there are calls of these
>>functions where the CS conversion should be skipped. In this case, please
>>change these functions and submit the $noCSconv parameter (see
>>t3lib_div::getUrl() and t3lib_div::writeFile()).
> This conversion should be skipped by default because in most cases this
> is not needed at all.
> $GLOBALS['TYPO3_VAR']['SYS']['fileCharsetAutoConcv'];

I'll wait for more comments but I'm open for that.

- michael
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