[TYPO3-bugs] How to use this list in future?

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Wed Mar 29 16:09:21 CEST 2006


Michael Stucki schrieb:
> Dear all,
> since I wonder very much that nothing happens on this list, I have a
> suggestion on how to re-use it:
> Make it the channel for bugreporters to get in touch with core developers,
> e.g. to report that there is a patch ready for this, etc.
> Comments/ideas?

I would still love to have mantis logg *all* changes to bugs to an ML
(news). Seems rather nice to me than surfing bugs.typo3.org to spot any

This ML (news) would be the perfect place for that.

But thats my personal option and one way we use mantis at

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