[TYPO3-v4] Suggestion: Security commit messages

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Sep 19 10:38:59 CEST 2011

Oliver Hader schrieb am 17.09.2011 16:15:
> Hi Georg,
> Am 17.09.11 16:11, schrieb Georg Ringer:
>> Am 17.09.2011 13:31, schrieb Oliver Hader:
>>> Totally makes sense. So whenever the API is changes or also if
>>> deprecated methods get removed (which is in fact a change of the API),
>>> the [!!!] must be used.
>> whenever the API changes, you need to deprecate it and can then remove
>> the old lines 2 versions later.
>> IMO there can't be a reason when we are allowed to use to break the API
>> but yeah makes sense when it would be the case
> Of course... so take removing deprecated functionality as example for
> breaking the API (even it was deprecated two minor versions before).

To be clear: should we add the [!!!] also when deprecating something -
which is not removed yet, but will be 2 versions from now? Or only when
really removing it two versions later?

To me it would make sense to also mark the "deprecation" in the
ChangeLog, because this is the time when people know they need to adapt.

Or we add another tag [DEPRECATE] which indicates that something has
been deprecated.


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