[TYPO3-v4] Git: what to do when a branch "diverges"?

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Tue Mar 8 10:31:02 CET 2011


Am 08.03.2011 09:32, schrieb Steffen Kamper:
> Hi,
> pull does a fetch + commit

sry, wrong...

pull does fetch and
+ merge (by default, NOT SUGGESTED!!!)
+ rebase ( by --rebase or by .git/config -> which is suggested setup!!!)

_fetch_ is "get all known objects from remote"

_merge_ is "combine two(or more) different line sof development"
_rebase_ is "put aside commits the other one doesn't have, update, and 
reapply the commits"

_cherry-pick_ is "get one(!) commit and apply it soemwhere else"

Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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