[TYPO3-v4] Linkvalidator UI

Patrick Gaumond gaumondpatrick at hotmail-no-spam.com
Thu Jan 20 21:20:25 CET 2011

Hi everyone,

Since HCI list seems dead, I prefer to get the discussion here.

Linkvalidator (LV) UI

1. LV has 2 so-called mode
- Just-in-time (JIT) check
- Scheduler task check

Why: Big sites with thousands of pages would take way more than 60 
seconds to parse external links so the old just-in-time (from 
cag_linkchecker) was not sufficient.

2. Select type of links: 3 checkboxes
LV has in its BE interface a section where you can decide to just select 
"internal links", "file links" and "External links".

Why: Be cause someone could want to do a JIT but since we know that 
"External links" checks are way slower, one could decide to just do a 
fast check by not selecting such option. Another scenario would be to do 
all 3, one by one. That's the idea behind the checkboxes.

3. Two buttons "Refresh display" + "Check links

There's a TS option so "Check links" (Just-in-time) can be set to hide.

Remember the 2 modes? Scheduler and JIT. Both add invalid links to the 
same DB tables so in *a way* there's only one report.

Why hiding: Big sites again, Admin may wish to remove the JIT function 
for editors.

Why a refresh button: We need the "Refresh" button because the depth 
isn't executed on change.


Considering the time left before 4.5 final (6 days)...

Maybe we should visually separate the JIT check and the Report.

On top of the page (in a perfect world make the section collapsible):

Section "Check links"
1. Type of links to test (Checkboxes: Internal, External, Files, custom 
if any) No more statics in this section.
2. Depth Level (This page, 1 level, 2, 3, infinite)
3. Button "Check links now"

Then the report

Section "Listing of broken links"
1. "Statistics by type of links" (Internal, External, Files, custom if any)
2. "Show those type of links" (Checkboxes: Internal, External, Files, 
custom if any)
3. Depth level(This page, 1 level, 2, 3, infinite)
4. Button "Refresh report"

The main idea, even if we need to repeat some fields, is to offer a 
clear separation between those 2 functions.

Comments ?

Patrick Gaumond

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