[TYPO3-v4] removing depreciated function

Krystian Szymukowicz t33k at prolabium.com
Mon Feb 28 21:02:27 CET 2011

W dniu 2011-02-28 20:36, Olivier Dobberkau pisze:
> Am 28.02.11 20:00, schrieb Krystian Szymukowicz:
>> I hope to hear you opinion.
> only non maintained extensions will break.

"Maintained vs "non maintained" - this is really not that easy.

Take as example extension "comments".

In "comments" there is a blocker bug (from changes in the 4.5 core). 
This bug was  known one month before 4.5 was relased. The bloker was 
fixed in the trunk at forge but the extension was not relased in the TER.

So we have well known, widely used extension which still breake TYPO3 
after one month after realse of 4.5.

And the thing is that the maintain quality can change over time. So when 
I am choosing extenion I know its well maintained - after few years it 
can be dead.
Again the "comments" is a good example here. Dmitry was a good 
maintainer but now the extension seems like abandoned.

Krystian Szymukowicz

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