[TYPO3-v4] [TYPO3-core] Idea to speed backend up

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat Feb 26 13:03:14 CET 2011

Hi Kai,

the main problem about loading time is the new page in frame.
I also have some ideas to improve the speed, but it's not a simple task.
One possibility is to have some lazy loading of js, eg ExtJS - use ExtJs 
from top if available instead loading it again.

Your suggestion with the card layout seems too complicate to me, we need 
some simular thing we already have with pagetree. If module has own HTML 
page, use iFrame, else use the container as it is.

Main problem is the linking - the complete links has to be rewritten in 
a way that ExtJs has linkhandler for the actions, no easy task at all.
One ide would be to have a general linkhandler where you register links 
and their actions.

I will try to build a module which doesn't need an iFrame to get an idea 
how this could be possible.

vg Steffen

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