[TYPO3-v4] Core performance for 4.6 and beyond

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Feb 7 21:35:10 CET 2011

Hi Christian,

Thanks for this post and the other one (in particular thanks for picking 
up what I started about bootstrapping). I find all the ideas you raise 
in general very interesting and don't mean to answer them one by one. 
There's just one particular point which I am uneasy about and maybe I'm 
not the only one, so it's probably worth a discussion.

> * First and foremost the 'old caching' must be dropped: The caching
> framework is *much* more flexible and gives tons of options for specific
> needs. It should be instantiated earlier to make use of it very early in
> the bootstrap process (eg. in the autoloader). This will actually drain
> performance in the first place but will speed up a lot if we are able to
> refactor other things.

Ever since the new caching framework was introduced, I stayed on the 
impression (after Rupi's tests) that the new caching framework is slower 
than the old one, if it doesn't make use of other backends than the DB. 
Is that still true? If yes, what are the minimal requirements (in terms 
both of TYPO3 and server configuration) for the new caching framework to 
start delivering a performance improvement.

I know that you wrote a lot of documentation about the new caching 
framework [1]. I went through it quickly and I don't think that it 
covers the question I raise above.

So I think the first step might be to explain people why and - 
especially - how they should use that new framework.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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