[TYPO3-v4] Minutes from the first meeting of the release team after 4.5.0 release

Patrick Gaumond gaumondpatrick at hotmail-no-spam.com
Wed Feb 2 23:22:13 CET 2011

On 2011-02-02 17:01, Steffen Kamper wrote:
> that's simply not true. Sure, we never had ExtDirect calls, and so we
> get some problems on some installations, we need some experience with
> that. But such happen with any JS framework and new integrations.

Yes, but without running a popularity contest, it's easy to spot jQuery 
based extensions in TER while there's almost none done with ExtJS.

In the end we got 90% jQuery FE extensions the remaining being mostly 
MooTools or old Prototype and a Backend done with a JSframework almost 
unknown in our community...

This is also getting me worried:

 >We have tried to get ExtJS expert
 >"Condor":http://www.sencha.com/forum/member.php?343-Condor to help out
 >on that (a supporter from the ExtJS forums), but he hasn't given us any
 >feedback yet. Steffen will ask some friend from Munich to take a look 
 >at it. Ernesto will ask Nils Dehl for help.

That resume my fear, being dependant of a small team that has more 
chance to shrink than expand...

Sorry for looking like the bad guy. I'm just getting this negative 
feedback in my own circle of friend. Maybe extJS was an obvious choice 
in 2009 but it doesn't look so good now.


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