[TYPO3-v4] Git submodules or not?

Andreas Wolf typo3ml at andreaswolf.info
Mon Aug 22 10:49:44 CEST 2011

Hash: SHA256

Hi Jigal,

Am 22.08.2011 10:28, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> On 22-8-2011 9:45, Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>> + makes the life for developers a bit easier since the just work
>> with one source directory and git takes care to put the things to
>> the accordant repositories and branches there
> Can you explain this a bit more? What is from a functional point of
> view the advantage (not the technical difference)?
> Let's use DBAL (and Xavier as the DBAL 'team') as an example (it's 
> easier to talk about a concrete example, so nothing personal here :-)
> ).
> With submodules I have to update them frequently and when I want to
> push something for DBAL I have to do this from the DBAL directory. 
> With and without submodules git seems to know which files belong
> with which branch (at least it looks that way to me).

forgive me if I'm mistaken here, but I don't think it's planned to move
all the external projects (DBAL, Extbase, Forge, Workspaces etc.) into
the Core repository? It's rather like we could have regular merges from
these external repositories (like updating the pointer now, but with the
contents instead of just a simple pointer.

So if you have a patch for DBAL, you would have to clone the repository
yourself to typo3conf/ext/, do your changes there and push that back.
You can't work in typo3/ext/dbal/ anymore.

> What can Xavier do with submodules that he can't do without
> submodules? Is this advantage so important for him that this out-ways
> the inconvenience for other developers?

The main advantage is that you have the complete, unchanged history of
the submodules. So if a bug occurs, you can use all tools directly in
the main core repository instead of having to make a clone of the
repository in typo3conf/ext/.

I think in our case the advantage of submodules regarding this is not
too big, as we have an easy method to get a full-blown copy of these
projects for working in them (clone to typo3conf/ext/). If we didn't
have that, all people developing on these projects would have to break
their Core repository clones and replace the typo3/ext/bla/ folder with
a clone of the original repository (could be called "submodules by hand")


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