[TYPO3-v4] [TYPO3-core] FYI #15601: Change all core PHP files to UTF8 encoding

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Sep 3 16:20:51 CEST 2010

Marcus Krause schrieb am 03.09.2010 01:39:

> Stefano Kowalke schrieb am 09/03/2010 12:53 AM Uhr:
>> Hey Marcus
>>> So I wonder which author cannot be encoded in
>>> iso-8859-1.
>> I near every file the name of René Fritz was broken and Kaspars names
>> was Skaarhoj, not Skårhøj.
> I remember I've seen copyright license notes where his name was
> correctly written with umlauts (Skårhøj). But you're right, after having
> checked a bunch of core files, I can say there are no umlauts for Kasper.
> But check out for example t3lib_div::danish_strtoupper() in 4-4 with an
> editor configured in iso-8859-1. Some guys somehow managed to put proper
>  umlauts in place! [áéúíâêûôîæøåäöü];-)
> Finally, the big surprise at the end; this message is iso-8859-1
> encoded! ;-)

Yes, ideed we haven't had a problem with ISO-8859-1 yet with our authors
names because we are all west european based, and Dmitry has an "ASCII
name" ;)

As we have discussed this "over and over" (in the core team), for me it
felt like it was public already. I totally forgot about the whole team
of very active contributors to the core that are not core developers
yet! Sorry for that, and I am glad that you understood the reasons for
the move.

I am sorry that it hasn't been properly announce beforehand! Thanks
Steffen for the article at buzz. I have made the information also public
as a 4.5 project news:



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