[TYPO3-v4] Add new labels in 4-4

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Tue Nov 2 09:42:41 CET 2010

> Translations do not depend on the core version. If you add new labels to
> 4.5 and they are translated to language X, they automatically become
> available to any core version for language X. This is how translation works
> in TYPO3.

Yes, I'm aware of this fact. But the original labels aren't available in 
4.4, aren't they? Translations of them are available, of course.

Question is only, if he can access them (his own english labels *and* 
the translated version) using the original identifier (using 
locallangXMLOverride), when the original label doesn't exist.

But I really think it should work.. Otherwise this might be treated as a 
bug, which could be fixed.

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member

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