[TYPO3-v4] 4.5 development

Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer thasmo at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 23:27:31 CEST 2010

Steffen Gebert wrote:
> IMHO FE JS-Concatenation/compression is to error-prone and too many
> small glitches will arise. Instead I would suggest to use an extension
> like scriptmerger, instead of forcing us to maintain this functionality
> in core.

Ye, I'm using my own merger/compressor within our projects,
so I can handle those glitches etc. faster.

That's just an idea. As CSS/JS compression is used in the backend,
it may can be implemented in the FE as well; but of course it's very
error-prone, because it depends on certain JS formatting rules,
inclusion order and a lot of other things to consider. (But a lot
of those issues can be handled, but it's a lot of work imo.)

Maybe some of the other things are more important imo anyways.


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