[TYPO3-v4] Motivation for making patches or how to speed up the review process

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Tue Apr 13 22:24:56 CEST 2010


On 10.04.2010 14:57 Jigal van Hemert wrote:
> 5. ...<insert your ideas here />...

Make core even more modular with sysexts. And make reviewing workflow 
for sysexts modular.

If there are too many core patches, move some part out of the core and 
put them into system extensions.

Sysexts could have a different review workflow than core. e.g. 
rtehtmlarea already does that: Stanislas has full FYI rights, no six 
eyes needed. Nevertheless the extension is stable, because Stan is the 
rtehtmlarea expert. The same could apply to other sysexts.
I could imagine different models where teams are built around a sysext. 
Patches for a sysext could afford one sysext team member review  + one 
non-team review.
Non-members could proof their quality by providing good patches for a 
sysext and get invited to join the team of the sysext. (we already have 
that practice in core team)

That would break the static core member <-> nonmember structure into 
smaller, more flexible pieces.


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