[TYPO3-user-registration] sr_feuser_register Problems with usergroup selection on EDIT

Jan Loderhose loderhose at cephalopo.de
Wed Feb 16 15:13:03 CET 2011


I need to offer a page to allow feuser to edit their membership to 
feuser groups, nothing more. But ...

- I cannot manage to unset the requirement of selecting a begroup at 
all. I need a solution that allows to deselect all groups.

- If I send the edit form with any combination of user group selection 
no selection is send to the server. I always get an error stating that I 
should select a user group.

Template Analyzer shows no error.
TypoScript Object Browser shows that my directives are included as 
intended. So maybe there's a problem with my configuration?

These are the constants:

plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1 {
   email = xxx
   siteName = xxx

   formFields = usergroup
   requiredFields =
   useEmailAsUsername = 1
   generateUsername = 0
   generatePassword = 0
   codeLength = 8
   tableName = fe_users
   onChangeCountryAttribute =

   pid = 778
   pidTitleOverride =
   registerPID = 779
   editPID = 779
   confirmPID = 779
   confirmInvitationPID = 779
   confirmType = 0

   loginPID = 779
   linkToPID =
   linkToPIDAddButton =

   defaultCODE = EDIT

   enablePreviewRegister = 0
   enablePreviewEdit = 0
   enableAdminReview = 0

   enableEmailConfirmation = 0
   enableEmailOnApprove = 0
   enableEmailOnRefuse = 0
   enableEmailOnAdminRefuse = 0
   enableEmailOnRegister = 0
   enableEmailOnUpdate = 0
   enableEmailOnDelete = 0
   enableAdminNotifyConfirmation = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnApprove = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnRefuse = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnRegister = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnUpdate = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnDelete = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnEnter = 0
   enableAdminNotifyOnAdminAccept = 1
   enableAdminNotifyOnAdminRefuse = 1
   enableHTMLMail = 1
   enableEmailAttachment = 0

   enableAutoLoginOnConfirmation = 0
   enableAutoLoginOnCreate = 0
   autoLoginRedirect_url =
   dmailCheckedUponRegistration = 0

   userGroupUponRegistration = 12
   userGroupAfterConfirmation = 8,12
   userGroupAfterAcceptation = 8,12

   allowUserGroupSelection = 1
   allowUserGroupUpdate = 1
   allowMultipleUserGroupSelection = 1

   passwordAtLeast = 5
   passwordAtMost = 40
   usernameAtLeast = 6
   usernameAtMost = 50
   nameAtMost = 80
   maxImages = 0
   salutation = formal
   useMd5Password = 0

   module_sys_dmail_category_PIDLIST = 659

   useShortUrls = 0
   shortUrlLife = 30
   useLocalization = 1
   useLocalCountry = 0
   dateFormat = d.m.Y
   dateSplit = .

Here's the setup:
plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1 {
   fe_userOwnSelf = 1
   fe_userEditSelf = 1
   delete = 1

The HTML-Template used is the original 
tx_srfeuserregister_pi1_css_tmpl.html shipped with the extension.

Any idea?

Thanx, Jan

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