[TYPO3-mvc] updateAction ignores validation

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at d-mind.de
Sat Sep 12 16:17:48 CEST 2015


You should use @var and @validate annotations in your model. Clear system caches afterwards.

Good luck,

-------- Original message --------
Subject: [TYPO3-mvc]  updateAction ignores validation 
From: ondro <ogrosko at gmail.com> 
To: typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org 

I stuck in one problem
I have classical actions in my app (newAction, createAction, updateAction, etc)

createAction looks like this:

public function createAction(\Some\Kind\Of\Domain\Model $model) {
   [... logic of action]

model look like this:

* title
*  string
*  NotEmpty
protected $title = '';

* start
*  \DateTime
*  NotEmpty, DateTime
protected $start = NULL;

* end
*  \DateTime
*  NotEmpty, DateTime
protected $end = NULL;

If I run createAction whole validation runs properly
But if I run updateAction

public function updateAction(\Some\Kind\Of\Domain\Model $model) {
[... logic of action]

validation of model is absolutelly ignored. I can submit empty 'title, start, end' property and object is saved. Can you tell me why?
But if I fill start or end property validation of DateTime runs properly (that mean I got proper errorAction with DateTime validation results)

Debuging of that I lost 10years of my life. Can you help me.
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