[TYPO3-mvc] flashMessage only visible for BE users

Muriel le Pair typo3 at strangefruit.nl
Thu Jan 22 12:33:59 CET 2015

Jonas Eberle schreef op 21-01-15 om 17:25:
> check out the VHS ViewHelpers. They allow to check for a logged-in
> backend user from within a Fluid template:
> https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/vhs/master/Security/AllowViewHelper.html
> If you need to have the functionality in PHP, you can check
> $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user for user data.


TSFE has the ability to check if a BE user is loged in, so I solved it 
(a little crooked) by passing a variable from TypoScript to $this->settings.

Not the most beautiful solution, but it works.

kind regards,

Muriel le Pair

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