[TYPO3-mvc] Map parameters to Extbase controller action even if record is hidden

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at d-mind.de
Thu Dec 11 16:13:37 CET 2014

Hi Helmut!

Am 11.12.2014 um 13:45 schrieb Helmut Hummel:
>> I have an edit-action that should be able to edit hidden records.
>> Do you have an idea how I could get property mapping also for deleted
>> records?
Sorry, I just realized i mixed up deleted and hidden here. I only mean 
HIDDEN records.

> If you also need hidden records to be mapped directly to your action 
> method, you currently need to create your own TypeConverter that 
> fetches such records from persistence.
> I would suggest to subclass PersistentObject converter, give your own 
> TypeConverter a higher priority and override the 
> fetchObjectFromPersistence[1] method to fit your needs.
> [1]https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/master/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Property/TypeConverter/PersistentObjectConverter.php#L202 
Thank you for that clear answer! I was hoping for something simpler, 
though but that is totally not your fault. You know what you are talking 
about here and I wish I was into it as much as you.

It is not clear to me how I should alter this line in my 
reimplementation of PersistentObjectConverter
$object = $this->persistenceManager->getObjectByIdentifier($identity, 
to return hidden records.


I might go back from all automatic Extbase parameter mapping to just 
plain uids. As a bonus I might get just a bit more control over my code 
if I write it more explicitely instead of the implicit stuff that 
Extbase does.

What I could do now is this:

      * @param int $someModelUid
      * @return void
     public function editAction( $someModelUid ) {
         // fetch object
         $q = $this->repo->createQuery();
         $q->getQuerySettings()->setIgnoreEnableFields( true );
         $constraints = $q->equals('uid', (int) $someModelUid);
         $someModel = $q->matching($constraints)->execute()->getFirst();
         ... access checks for the editAction()

It would totally defeat the goal of using Extbase in the beginning and 
mixing coding paradigms is totally bad style, but in the case of 
parameter mapping I just don't see Extbase making me any more efficient 
any more. I just went through forms with file-uploads and editable n:m 
properties and the amount of initializeXXXAction() plus TypeConverters 
and UploadViewhelpers I wrote is kind of ridiculous compared to the 
things they achieve.
I really guess I'll stay away from all annotation-based Extbase stuff - 
it just feels that if you just need something a tiny bit different you 
need to go deep into the stack. All while writing explicit code would 
only take 4 lines.


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